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Dispute-Resolution Policy – effective April 27, 1998 (revised June 1, 2013) The .FM Registry has adopted the Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) ( for all .FM Domain Name registrations. Trademark owners can choose to file a complaint with an authorized domain dispute resolution providers. The UDRP Policy explains what trademark owners have to prove in…

Trademark Policy

dotFM® & dotAM® TRADEMARK USAGE POLICY  (effective August 6, 2002) This Trademark Usage Policy will show you the proper use of dotFM® and dotAM® trademarks and logos. BRS Media, Inc. does require that you use our trademarks and registered trademarks correctly and refer to them properly. The terms of this section apply to the entire…

Terms of Use

BRS MEDIA .FM DOMAIN NAME REGISTRATION TERMS & CONDITIONS  effective April 27, 1998 (revised August 1, 2016) 1. BRS Media, Inc. (“BRS”) is responsible for the registration of second-level Internet domain names in the top level FM domain. BRS registers these second-level domain names on a “first come, first served” basis. By registering a domain…